1: Start your day with these energizing Mediterranean breakfasts.

2: Try Greek yogurt with honey and fresh fruit for a protein-packed meal.

3: Savor avocado toast topped with cherry tomatoes and a sprinkle of feta cheese.

4: Whip up a classic omelette with spinach, olives, and a dash of oregano.

5: Indulge in a smoothie bowl filled with banana, almonds, and dates for a sweet treat.

6: Fuel your morning with a veggie-packed Mediterranean frittata.

7: Enjoy a refreshing bowl of overnight oats with mixed berries and a drizzle of honey.

8: Get your caffeine fix with a traditional Greek frappé made with strong coffee and milk.

9: These quick and delicious Mediterranean breakfasts will give you the energy you need to conquer the day.