1: Elevate your Jiffy corn bread with a hint of honey for added sweetness.

2: Upgrade your corn bread by mixing in shredded cheddar cheese for a savory twist.

3: Add a pop of color and flavor to your corn bread with diced jalapenos.

4: Elevate your Jiffy corn bread with a dollop of creamy sour cream for extra richness.

5: Elevate your corn bread by stirring in crispy bacon bits for a delicious crunch.

6: Upgrade your Jiffy corn bread with a sprinkle of fresh herbs like chives or parsley.

7: Add a tangy kick to your corn bread by mixing in a spoonful of whole grain mustard.

8: Elevate your corn bread with a handful of roasted corn kernels for added texture.

9: Upgrade your Jiffy corn bread by drizzling a touch of maple syrup for a touch of sweetness.