1: 1. Tony and Ziva will reunite 2. New characters will be introduced 3. Exciting cases will be solved

2: 4. More backstory on Tony and Ziva 5. Potential romantic development 6. Action-packed episodes ahead

3: 7. Cliffhangers and surprises 8. Guest appearances from familiar faces 9. Dramatic and emotional scenes

4: 10. Tony and Ziva's dynamic will evolve 11. Possible plot twists 12. High stakes and intense moments

5: 13. Locations around the world 14. Team dynamics and relationships explored 15. Suspense and intrigue

6: 16. Tony's leadership role 17. Ziva's personal growth 18. Cameos from other NCIS characters

7: 19. Family connections revealed 20. Flashbacks to past missions 21. Teamwork and loyalty themes

8: 22. Tony and Ziva's chemistry 23. New challenges for the team 24. Unexpected alliances

9: 25. Emotional reunions 26. High-tech investigations 27. Unforgettable moments to come.